
In this form collected settings Barcode Terminal.

Fig. 1. Application settings Barcode Terminal
Sound scan
On/Off sound when reading a barcode scanner
Add items
Enable / disable adding to the list of items on the inventory bar code that is not in this list. At a resolution of the status of the switch as it is possible to find the name of the goods through the Web service ANDRIY.CO
Flash mode (if supported by the device). Possible modes are: Automatically - the flash automatically in low light, always on - flash is is always on always off - The flash is always off
Default quantity
The quantity to be automatically supplied to the "Quantity" after scanning the barcode product. If they are accounted for piece goods, it is convenient to set the value of "1.0"
IP-address or domain name of the computer Barcode Terminal Hosting. Read more about connecting to the Barcode Terminal Hosting
TCP-port, which is used in Barcode Terminal Hosting. The default value - 9002

Note: This text was obtained through by machine translation. We would appreciate any comments on the translation.