
After loading the list of goods on the rediscount, you are ready to itself rediscounting. The sequence of actions is as follows:

1. In the main menu to select "Scan", then bring the device to a product barcode:

Fig. 1. Scanning barcode in Barcode Terminal

After recognizing the barcode you will hear a beep (can be disabled in the settings), and Barcode Terminal will search obtained barcode in the list of goods for rediscount. If the search is successful and the product is found, you will see it in the following form:

Fig. 2. Goods found by barcode
Current quantity
Quantity of goods, recorded in the Barcode Terminal for now
Product price for accounting data. It is convenient to use when using Barcode Terminal mode to control prices
Date and time of the last update of the goods quantity

2. Enter the quantity of goods on the shelf (in the warehouse store) with the "+" and "-". Each press of the "+" adds "1" to the number, and "-" - takes away "1." You can also manually enter the number in the box. You should enter that quantity which is currently available for counting. In the future, if you come across this product again, it will be added to the amount entered. Pay attention - as soon as the item is found in the list in the "Quantity" substitutes the value of the "Quantity of the default" from the application settings. Conveyers for piece of goods is convenient to use to "1" .

3. After entering the quantity, press "Save" and go to the next product.

If the bar code has been detected incorrectly and thus Barcode Terminal can not find it in the list of goods, you will be able to re-scan the barcode. To enhance recognition accuracy, barcode stick these recommendations.

It is possible that when you find a product that is not included in the list of goods to rediscount. In this case, it is not found in the list of goods. However, depending on the settings of the application, you have the option to include it in the list and then pass it to the accounting system. In addition to this, you can determine its name using a web service ANDRIY.CO. This service looks for a description of the goods for its barcode. For details about this service, see Web service search names of goods

Note: This text was obtained through by machine translation. We would appreciate any comments on the translation.