Import from TCD
Once the inventory is complete, click "Export to Database":
If in Windows Explorer to open the folder to exchange files between TCU and Barcode Terminal Hosting, you can see the file created InventoryListFromTCD.xml:
TCU open, select a point on which the inventory and on the ribbon tab "Main", locate and click "List of acts of revaluation-correction." The list of acts of correction remains find the previously created act and open it:
Tab in the Ribbon "Editor", find and click the "Import from TCD":
Pay attention that some goods after rediscounting actual values differ from the quantities of accounts. In this case, it means that there was a "regrading" - one product is less than 1, the other is more 1 than the quantity on accounting:
After checking approve act correction remains. And note - the quantity of accounts in the register of goods changed in accordance with the newly approved act of correction residues:
Note: This text was obtained through by machine translation. We would appreciate any comments on the translation.