The system TCU has more than a hundred reports in different ways. Despite this, meet the diverse needs of users can only Report Designer TCU. It allows you to create reports to fit their specific requirements. Company ANDRIY.CO tried to implement an interface designer in the likeness of the Report Designer Microsoft Access. This solution has several advantages: Report Design MS Access sign a large number of users because it is part of the package MS Office. Presence of a large amount of literature on the constructor MS Access makes it possible to obtain information on the work of designer TCU...
Discounts are one of the most effective ways to attract and retain customers. To gain credibility among its customers and operate stably working enterprise, discounts should be clear and understandable structure. SoftKB recommended for transparent pricing policy, a clear control over profits, use five reference price of the item cards. For each reference price indicates the desired percentage discounts. Each customer can be attributed to one of the 5 categories. Each category corresponds to a particular column matches...
This article will help you to organize accounting for the company, whose use a production process. Production - is the transformation of objects into the other with the use of labor. Consider the scheme of an enterprise engaged in production. The production activities can be divided into several stages, and reflect this in the next document sequence: Arrival of the goods (ingredients) from supplier reflects in Purchase Invoice. Transfer ingredients from a warehouse to the worksop reflects in Transfer Order...
Connection to SQL-server on the network. Using the Windows authentication and SQL Server authentication. In this part of a series of articles described the connection network clients TCU-3 to MS SQL Server 2005. Two options to connect to SQL Server - using Windows Authentication and SQL Server authentication. Attached is a video tutorial that shows the complete sequence of actions described in the article. In a previous article "Installing and Configuring SQL-server. Creating a database and connect to it TCU-3" was demonstrated in local connection TCU-3 to the database located on the MS SQL server...
Installing and Configuring SQL-server. Creating a database and connect to it TCU-3 In this part of a series of articles describes how to install and configure MS SQL Server 2005, and the creation of a database TCU-3 and connect to it. An alternative location TCU on the SQL server. Also attached is a video tutorial that shows the complete sequence of actions described in the article. In the editorial "Network" and "Ultra" TCU supports DBMS companies © Microsoft - Microsoft SQL Server, as well as its free edition - SQL Server Express Edition, which has some technical limitations, but quite suitable for conducting software systems across a small company...
There this problem, I call it "washout range". Pay attention -- shop opened, the goods of different interesting and full of trips to this store want, and buy something not give. But time passes, say, six months. Shop does not know. Previously, five types of oil was now the force of two. Earlier in refrigerators and shrimps of various calibres were offered, but now remained one pack, and the prawns have turned from red to red, and the stack exactly, no one will buy it, no one even deign to steal (steal bad)...
Despite the fact that TCU Start - this warehouse program, which takes into account all the usual trade operations, TCU Start no module Cashier. How important cash operation, what advantages they offer, what opportunities are being to the user? Keeping cash. appears to form two main types of cash instruments - cash order receipt and expenditure cash warrant. Thus, we can display the very essence of trading Operation: a) by purchasing the product form for entering credit bill product and form consumable cash order for payment of the procurement; b) in the sale of goods form the expenditure invoice for shipment goods, cash receipt form and the warrant under which the buyer with we have calculated...
Translated TCU3 interface to other languages. Even at the stage of preliminary work on the project «Goods, Prices, Accounting ...» (TCU) version 3 laying system, multilingual interface. Requirements are as follows: 1. The interpreter does not have to be programmer. 2. Transfers should be made by filling minimum number of tables. 3. Number of records in tables must also be minimum. 4. The interpreter should be simple and comfortable. 5. Number of questions to the company the developer should be minimum...
Analysis of letters to the users shows that the most frequently asked questions about the content of this: «How can we organize the work of« goods prices, accounting for ... »from multiple computers (job) to ensure that work together in a single database?» immediate reply. This is a very simple process, as well as a system of «goods prices, accounting for ...» was originally built with a view to joint networking multiple users in one database. Let's begin in order. assumes that you already have multiple computers together within a stable and configured LAN...
Each product has a value as price - it cash equivalent. By «price» will read in this paper money spent to pay for goods - or money that must pay the customer for payment, in exchange for ownership of the goods. And a few more definitions: «supplier» - natural or legal person transferor of the goods for cash equivalent; «buyer» - natural or legal person is entitled to the goods for cash equivalent; «firm» - the actual owner, the user program TCU 3, natural or legal person. Consider, what are the main options for the price, or else - pricing, common in trade: price of goods from the supplier - it is monetary value, which will have to «give to Mount» supplier for the goods (just pay or in installments -- in this case the roles are not plays)...
Issue Reporting using «Masters Report TCU 3» To be able to make the fullest and accurately determine the status of the program «Goods, Prices, Accounting ...» provides the user with a special tool - «Master records». 1. To call a «Masters Report» on the main page of the program, press the corresponding button: 2. After the transition to the master records have the opportunity to select the desired record from the list presented: 3. Select from the list of «Report on sales». This report is submitted by developers in several ways...
Working with retail prices in the sale of goods. The previous article described how to build the retail price at the time of arrival of goods in a warehouse. investigate, how to work with retail prices in the sale of goods. Create a new expenditure bill and add to the product. When we added goods in the consignment note, retail price of substitute products automatically from the registry and was 4 grn. Can we change it? Yes, quite. Moreover, in several ways. The first and most simple way - just manually set the new retail price, for example, 3grn...
Objective: The company is engaged in wholesale trade in beer, except with beer in plastic packaging is an active trade kegovym beer and beer in glass containers. It should be borne in mind: 1. Separately beer as the liquid. 2. Glass and kegovuyu container with a liquid (ie beer). 3. An empty glass and kegovuyu packaging (ie, without beer). The word «take into account» refers to the full information support for each unit. From whom and when, for whatever price unit was how much of it paid, on a retail price of a unit is sold, who sold to, again, how much it paid for (now paid to us), how much money earned, etc...
Start TTSU2, go to the desired point, and trading in section «Enter new» press icon «receipt invoice». A form of income bill, on the left side of the sidebar include the following data: set the invoice number, date, write your article and begin the movement to bring the goods. For existing products the choice of relatively uncomplicated. Either we use the tool of choice of products for existing products in the directory add a new product in the directory button Add a new item in the directory Please note, we introduce the name of the product (shoes, women's), introduced a model (Guess Carrie), product, product group (subgroup of «Women's Shoes» in the «shoes»), bar code, but the amount is not entered...