Despite the fact that TCU Start - this warehouse program, which
takes into account all the usual trade operations, TCU Start
no module Cashier. How important cash
operation, what advantages they offer, what opportunities are being
to the user?
Keeping cash.
appears to form two main types of
cash instruments - cash order receipt and expenditure cash
warrant. Thus, we can display the very essence of trading
a) by purchasing the product form for entering credit bill
product and form consumable cash order for payment of the
b) in the sale of goods form the expenditure invoice for shipment
goods, cash receipt form and the warrant under which the buyer with
we have calculated.
It is also worth noting another important point. In addition to
movement of money as a result of trade transactions, there is a class
financial instruments, which need to track in accounting
system. This is all the overhead costs associated with commercial
The most important of them:
1. Payment of wages
2. Rental
3. Utilities (electricity, gas, heating, etc.)
4. All kinds of planned and unplanned expenses (maintenance, travel,
petrol / diesel).
The question arises - how to record cash
operations, not just a bunch of common documents, a so that they can be clearly
classified by a particular type. After a while
TCU user wants to know how much money was spent,
for example, from the beginning of the year for electricity, which amount was paid
in the form of salary, as increased costs for gasoline, etc.
The most reasonable solution - to have documents
specific, clearly defined labels or signs, which can be
select the documents they summarize and display the amounts
form results. In TCU used for this purpose article of traffic (Tab
«Directories» -> «Articles»). Open a directory of articles and type
required us to become the movement of documents. In this example, depicted
Directory of articles from the test database.
Articles may be added or changed. Articles do not
limited. Please also note that the article can be active
or passive. Let's see what the difference between them. Wiring
instrument with a given active section leads to a change in the amount
to mutual counterparty, instrument cables with a passive section is not
leads to a change in the amount of the counterparty to transactions. When and how
Articles should be applied? If we pay for electricity - it is
passive art. If we pay for travel - it is passive
article. If we purchase goods - it is an active article, if
We pay for shipment of goods - is also an active art. In fact,
- Passive article serves only to simplify accounting. Ideal
to pay for petrol on the active article (from the gas station in front of us
a debt), income to take the invoice to the warehouse petrol
(The gas station to pay their debts shipped to us with gasoline), then
act of converting gasoline to cancel this residual (indicating the grounds on
what purposes, to whom and where). To simplify accounting, we simply do
payment of money at the gas station for gasoline (debit cash order) Passive
article. Debt WSA does not change (as a rule, it is zero), we
in turn, this gasoline is used. The fact that the purchase of gasoline and its
confirmed by the use of cash expenditure warrant. Too
respect and staff salaries. Staff entered into the directory
Customer TCU, which is convenient to create a separate group of customers
«Staff». They are being paid salaries for the passive section
Now, let's work papers, held on
active object in the case of sale of goods.
We form expenditure invoice indicating active
Articles «Sale of goods» (the title of the article can be arbitrary, and
described as an example), indicating the buyer. We carry out expenditure
invoice, click on the icon «Payment» in content tab of expenditure
invoice. It will be automatically created receipt cash order, which
will contain all necessary information for payment. The amount of payment may
be changed. Draw it on the same article «Sale of goods» (article
may be specified, but it also must be active). In this
event will be the buyer paid in full (if
given the full amount of the invoice in cash order), or partially, if
Kazana just part of the total invoice.
Let's see how to make an analysis of our business
activities in the article by section.
Open «Master records» (Tab «Home» ->
«Master records») and select the report «Cash revolutions», specify the filter
Articles of interest to us.
click on the button «Finish».
receive the report.
The sample for any of the articles of traffic (you can specify
several articles) will allow you to receive answers to many interesting
your questions.
Shops sell, the money in the cashier receives what
occurs at the intersection of these two processes?
We are gradually coming to the next interesting topic --
mutual - it's easy. To sell at 100
grn. Vaasa client paid us Vasya UAH 80, and 20 UAH. he us
should remain. Do I have to TCU tracking customer debt
take any special action? No, you do not.
Arrangements with suppliers and buyers in TCU tracked
automatically. Let's see how this works.
add a new client in a directory (tab
«Directories» -> «'s clients» -> «Enter new»).
accents and details click on the tab «Data
for the calculation ».
On this tab, we can exercise control
outstanding customer debt on time and in amount
a given period of deferment of 30 days, it would be impossible to
ship the next invoice, if the client within 30 days is not paid
arrears on a previous invoice.
specify a maximum amount of debt, such as
1000 UAH., The operator will not be able to ship the consignment note, the amount of
exceed 1000 UAH.
Monitoring date and amount will allow you to
relationships with customers and suppliers, under the clear control
allows easy monitor the current debt and does not exceed the total
permissible amount of debt for all customers in general. This is particularly
true for companies engaged in wholesale trade on a deferred
payments for deliveries.
Let's try to ship goods to our client in the amount of
100 grn and to take into account this two-bill payment, 60 and 30 grn.
To do this, create a new expenditure bill,
drive the goods to 100 UAH and hold it.
Once the bill done, click on
button «pay».
It will be automatically created and opened receipt
cash warrant in the amount of UAH 100. Correct amount of UAH 100. 60 hrn.
(I have no such client money ...) and draw cash order.
Back in the expenditure invoice and click again on
icon «pay». This will create another receipt with cash order
the sum of 40 UAH. (the remaining outstanding amount under this bill).
Change the value of 30 UAH. and draw cash order.
Now is the time to look at the card the customer
mutual. There are several ways to open the card, the customer
of transactions. In general tab «Home» Press
button «mutual», a list of clients in which we choose
the desired client and opens his card. In our case, there is much
faster way. While in our spending bill, click on
button «mutual». A card for mutual clients.
Here we see all the documentary movement in the
view of the customer. If there are any disputes, questions, comments --
All this is very easy to allow easy opening of the card. If the card
need to print, this is easily done by clicking on the printer
Content tab.
By the way, you will never pay attention to «+»
opposite each spending bill in the list of spending bills?
Open the list of spending bills, to select our bill and press
disclose payments that are associated with this
consignment note, against which they were received. Thus, we can see
not only the total amount of debt the client, but the sum for each
consignment note, as our overhead closure fee.
Tell about all the possibilities of the system of payment and
of settlements in this letter is not possible because of the
restrictions on its length. Later SoftKB will regularly highlight
topics of practical use TCU, as the accumulation of
users, assess their importance and relevance.
If you are interested in opportunities TCU Standard and
you are currently using TCU Start, then move on to the editor TCU
Standard is a snap. For this tab «Expand opportunities»
Click on the icon «TCU Standard». Register TCU Standard can be
on our website