Acceptance of goods at the warehouse



 Since the TCU could be a few outlets, it is necessary to decide on what it will take the goods. Here we would remind you that for maximum flexibility, all the outlets in the same, the system does not distinguish between the main warehouse and the subordinated warehouses (shops, retail outlets, etc.). Therefore, any product can be taken at any store, transfer the goods from any warehouse to any store (not on the same warehouse, as this operation does not make sense) and spend the goods from any warehouse. Of course, if these operations are allowed a user rights. At the same time, nothing prevents one of the warehouses of conventionally accepted as the principal, and all goods enter in the books to him alone, and since he already send goods to other locations and warehouses for the storage and flow.

 Also note that there may be more mixed and organizational model, which is the "main" store for a group of subordinate depots, and at the same time, there may be several independent stores, which also produced the parish, followed by all subsequent storage operations (flow, transfer, revaluation, etc.).


Tip           Need to make sure you have the right to take receipt of the goods on the outlet. User rights set by the administrator of the program TCU in the directory of users - the procedure described in detail in the help section "Filling the main directories"


 So, take the goods to the warehouse (or other outlets). In the tree of outlets click choose a point on which the incoming goods. If no such point - enter it with directory of outlets.


 Open Purchase Invoice in the following ways:


First way:

 In the tree, select a point of retail outlets, which made ​​the arrival of the goods. Click the menu item "Create"and then click on the tape "Purchase Invoice"




Second way:

 In the tree, select a point of retail outlets, which made ​​the arrival of the goods. Right-click on the register of goods in the menu that appears, click the "Enter the new" in the next menu, select "Purchase Invoice":        



 Open Purchase Invoice:




 Consider carefully the form of a credit note. Her main field - point-to-recipient (upper left), the provider and the list of goods (unless empty).


Number of the document - the counter is automatically incremented when opening a new bill. Can be set manually.


Supplier - as a supplier substituted a client who system parameters isted as a client by default. This feature is useful if you mainly work with any one client. If you are currently working with another customer - choose from the list. If the client is new, ie you have previously worked with him, make it first in directory of clients. It is convenient to use the "New supplier. "


Article - sign movement of goods. Chosen from a list. If no matching articles in the list - add directory of articles.


Basis - a standard field note. You can contribute information at your discretion, usually mentioned the power of attorney number and name of the trustee.


Date of issue - is provided for reference purposes, the date supplier's invoice.


Supplier's invoice number - vendor invoices maintained its numbering, so in this field make the supplier's invoice number (useful for cross-checks).


 To choose a supplier other than the default provider, click on the line parameter. A window will appear, "Client choice":




 Please note - as a filter value, which helps to select the desired client from the directory of clients substituted the name of a cap bill, "Karamzin VG" Click "Show All" to reflect the full list of clients (the filter is removed), then select the desired client from the list and double click on the line.




 The selected supplier will be in the consignment note in the "Vendor ".

 In the list of goods there are a large number of columns, which may exceed the minimum required for your job. To remove the "extra" right-click on the list of goods anywhere - can and heading the list, and the row containing the name of the product, and on an empty gray box below the list. In the menu that appears, select "Customize Columns " and then uncheck the menu items that contain the names of the columns, the extra is for you.

 The same result can be achieved if you set the width of the "excess" column equal to zero. Place your mouse cursor on the border of columns to the right of the column you want to hide. Once the cursor changes to a double-headed horizontal arrow, click the left mouse button and drag left until the column width is reduced to zero.




 If the directory is not empty of goods, then by placing the cursor in the "Goods" you can select it using the "Tool selection of goods" .Click in the title bar of the goods:



 In the "Filter name", we introduce the name of the product, "Mandar", and click the "Apply Filter ". Of all directory products will be only those names that you have "Mandar", ie, tangerines:




 Try, if possible, in the filter to use one part of the name, because when you enter two words, you risk to narrow your search results, because Directory names of the goods may be recorded differently. Filter selects the same name with exact coincidence in the names. For example, if you have a Directory name "Mandarin Turkish" and "mandarin turkey, then input filter Mandarin Turkish" you will not see among the results of "mandarin turkey, you might also like to see among the results of selection filter.

Also, remember - in the consignment can only enter a product name, which is in the directory. The procedure for adding a new product is described in detail in the section "Filling the main directories" - directory of goods. The new goods can also be added by clicking the same button at the top of the form.


Tip         In a credit bill, unlike the expenditure bill and bill to transfer the choice of goods is carried from the directory of goods. In the expenditure bill and invoice on the transfer list of products is limited to the registry. Of the difference between registry items from the directory of products can be found in the corresponding Help topic.


 After entering the name of the goods passes to the input of quantity and prices (procurement and retail). Please note that the number is entered  goods, and the columns "packages"and "Advanced" calculated the appropriate values. That is, setting the reference product one of the characteristics of the goods - it amounts to the packaging, a credit invoice will be immediately clear how this should be packing (boxes) and the quantity of goods without packaging. In this case, it is believed that tangerines are packed in 10 kg per drawer. However, in case of arrival of goods in non-standard packaging, such as in boxes of 20 kg will be possible to correct the value of "10" to "20" and obtain a new value of the number of boxes.


Tip           It is not necessary to pay special attention to the function of counting packages without a special need, since it is only auxiliary. Importantly - the right to specify the number prihoduemogo goods. In addition, if these fields ("packages", "The package") do not have information for you to load, it is better to hide, as described above.





 Specify the purchase price per unit, as well as the retail price. Field "retail price" is presented as a drop-down list, the rows that contain auxiliary values ​​of prices for different categories of users. This function is more relevant for spending bills when you can from this list, select a category buyer, and all the retail prices of goods in this bill will be adjusted in accordance with the rates for this category of buyers. Learn more - in the Help topic "Shipment of goods". Reference price for each goods is given in directory of goods, his card.

 We return to the retail price. Remember that the reference price in the dropdown list are here for reference. This price in the invoice you can always manually set.

 After specifying all the data (product name, quantity, price) on a string to display the amount of this product as a result of multiplying the number on the price, and the bottom of the list you can see the results on the bill - the total amount goods on consignment, the amount of purchase and retail prices across the bill. Similar results in more compact form can be seen on the contribution of "Results. "


 Thus, the finished goods entry in the consignment. Proceed to the approval of the invoice. The meaning of this operation is that only after "approval" ("posting") this document becomes "documentary" because it becomes commodity instrument, and the goods taken on it, get to point of sale and made ​​available to the subsequent sale.




 Click on the tape "to hold " context menu "Invoice"and answer yes to the question of holding a note. Note - after the approval of the invoice's status changed to "done"button "hold " was not available, but became available button "Undo" (series).


 Approved - any, cash or trade, can not be corrected without changing its status. It is also impossible to remove it from the list of documents. Since the bill is approved by a signed and certified by the stamp (seal) in the physical sense of the document, you can not change the data in this document are not withdrawing the pre-signature and seal. So, to all the same to any changes in the bill, it must be "rolled back" (return status "not approved", "suspended").


Tip           Right rollback of documents the user's rights, so each user can roll back the invoice. Even the user who created it and held may not be eligible for a rollback. User rights set by the administrator of the program TCU in Directory of users - the procedure described in detail in the help section "Filling the main directories".


 At "fall-back" bill is the reverse process to approval. Earlier goods "go" with the retail outlet, returning to the initial state. With this you can not worry about exactly how it happens. The fact that, thanks to the organized internal engine of this happens with all the features and nuances. For example, imagine that it is necessary to roll back an invoice a few days after its approval, when part of the goods accepted these documents have already sold or that the goods were overvalued, it was either write-off. The program will report on the situation. You can track the entire chain of documents related to this bill and sequentially, one after another, to remove them.

 Also, remember - all the actions of all users in the program are entered into a service magazine for their subsequent analysis.


 Thus, the invoice approved. As a result, in the form of the register in the register of of goods we see that at point of sale "Warehouse 2 " did these products.



 Now consider the frequently encountered in practice the situation where the warehouse have a product that is already there, but for a different retail price has changed since the purchase. What will happen to the final retail price for this item?

 At TCU, two basic principles - one product - one price "and" first come - first out (FIFO) ". According to the first principle of the ultimate retail price for the commodity at a given point of sale is the retail price on the last Invoice, whether it is less than or greater than the current - it does not matter. Since the pricing of deals is responsible for this employee, then it was he who determines the price of the goods "on the shelf." Agree, the same product can not stand on a shelf with different prices. Therefore, all goods which are in stock overrated (automatically - when approving the bill and with the consent of the operator). The act of re-evaluation for this product are documented and reflected in the list of acts of revaluation.

 According to another principle of "first come - first out" or otherwise "FIFO" all parties of the goods stored in the registry of products under different accounts, appropriate to their arrival time at point of sale. When selling goods in the first place in the expenditure invoice will fall goods purchased on time earlier.


Tip         For more information about pricing can be read on the website in the article "Price formation. Costs. Formation of retail prices."


 And now you can try to sell a product - read the help section "Shipment of goods"