Task of synchronizing data between the database and the main accounting system, a database of mobile device is solved with the help of the server application Exporter2 company SoftKB. This application allows you to prepare the data and form a "cross-section data, which includes information about products, customers, mutual etc. In turn, the sales representative who works with the accounting system TCUMobile2 on your mobile device may be using the same save collected Exporter2 application, payment, etc...
The article deals with how to configure the synchronization between the computer and mobile device that is running Windows Mobile®. Given the commonality of approaches to address this problem the article should not be regarded as highly specialized, referring only to devices with TCUMobile. It is designed to help all users who have difficulty in setting up the synchronization via ActiveSync®, including the Bluetooth. That is why the article is accompanied by a large number of screenshots, with detailed explanations...
System Requirements Exporter2: MS Windows XP SP2/Vista MS. NET Framework 2.0 + System Requirements TCUMobile2: MS Windows Mobile 2003/5.0 for Pocket PC MS. NET Compact Framework 2.0 + main menu Products Order products Payment Settings main menu To start with TCUMobile2 you need to upload data about customers and cash balances in the PDAs. This procedure is a special utility Exporter2. After downloading TCUMobile2 open the main menu. Fig. 1.1. Main Menu TCUMobile2 Products «Sales» used in trade with wheels (Van Selling) to extract spending bills of goods sold...
TCUMobile2. What's new ... The notion of a route: in the mobile device (PDA, cell phone, data terminal) is loaded the list of routes, which serves commercial agent, routes are chosen for each day separately. upload client list includes the names of only those customers, retail outlets which are in the current route of delivery. This helps simplify the work as planned on the list of orders ( «At present, orders are scheduled for points 1-4-5-12»), and on spontaneous order ( «at outlet 8 today made the unscheduled order»), as well as reduce the possibility of errors - difficult to make a «wrong» order at another point, if it is not in the list list...
SoftKB conducting final testing of mobile commerce (Van Selling), and distribution TCUMobile. system is operated on a wholesale frozen products. In the near future, will launch TCUMobile the large distribution system. A few words about TCUMobile. The main menu: One of the objectives, which sought in the development of the program - the maximum ease of interface. Qualifying employees may differ in orders, the time to train new staff should be minimal. paragraphs describe the main menu. 1. «Sales» used in trade with wheels (Van Selling) to extract spending bills of goods sold...
