What is this list? Who are these people and why their data published here?

This is not just another social networking site. And not even a draft of the government. This is a list of users of software products ANDRIY.CO. Rather, that part of the users who have supported our project. The aim of this project is to bring together users of our software products in communities of interest. Thanks to them, users can exchange views on our products, provide technical support to each other (and this happens!), To form a collective opinion and influence the development of projects of our company.

All users of this list were allowed to publish their data. As you can see, the list of data is minimal and only in order to help beginners geographically close contact with users, perhaps even familiar hometown, or users of a certain kind of activity.

Among other things, we provide a software ANDRIY.CO users use our site to develop and promote their companies: publish information about themselves, their companies, about the services of the business interests. It is assumed that this information will be made available a large number of potential customers, customers, and partners.

In gratitude for the participation in the community, ANDRIY.CO provides a 20% discount on the purchase of any of our products!

How it works, what it's all about?

Have you noticed that the real opinion of the product is formed only from my own experience working with it? And that advertising husks not give a complete picture of the product, illuminating it with only one, the best part?

If you are just learning products ANDRIY.CO, you may be interested to get the opinion of an independent person. Or even a few individuals. About the product itself, on the company with customers. Subjective, but independent opinions of different users provide objective side of the issue, which will help you to take the final decision. However, do not forget that you can only fully trust your opinion!

How to get on the list and get a discount?

On the edit user profile page fill in the fields, leave feedback and information about their company, give permission to publish these data and you subscribe newsletters. In return you will receive a 20% discount on any of our software!

If you subsequently turn a beginner, you find in this list, please, pay attention to him, share your opinion about our products. You, too, were a rookie. Pass the baton goodness!

Our principles of work with the user community

We are collecting reviews a large number of software users ANDRIY.CO, while we remain totally independent. We are not subject to anyone's influence and only accept constructive suggestions, reserving the right of final decision.

We never delete negative reviews. We never fix reviews. We do not publish reviews that contain obscenities or spam, but we provide an opportunity to correct your review and send it again.

We expect feedback from all users who have real experience of using any of our products. All reviews are provided to us for free.




Калинський Михайло

Ukraine, Великий Бичків, Закарпатська, вул. Шевченка, 10

Phone: show

Company: ПП Калинський М. М.

Activity: Stationery, office supplies

Дарбинян Ваграм

Armenia, Ереван, Ереван, ул. Пушкина 40/76

Phone: show

Company: ООО Лимуш

Web: http://www.limush.am

Activity: Stationery, office supplies

Ранее не пользовалась Вашей продукцией. Попробую, тогда поделюсь мнением.
Чеченева Лариса Викторовна

Чеченева Лариса Викторовна

Kazakhstan, Каскелен, Алматинская, ул.10-летия независимости РК 65

Phone: show

Company: ИП Абдильдин А.А.

Web: http://bodenledi.com

Activity: Clothing, footwear, accessories

More about: Реализация немецких товаров из кожи фирм Rieker и Bodenschatz.

Магась Юрий Владимирович

Ukraine, Киев, Киевская, Красноткацкая 16 кв. 26

Phone: show

Company: Зажигай

Web: http://zazhigay.com.ua

Activity: Automobiles, Equipments

Воротынцев Николай Кузьмич

Ukraine, пос. Комсомольский, Харьковская, ул. Циолковского, 66

Phone: show

Company: Stels

Activity: Computers, Software

Пигольчук Иван Александрович

Ukraine, Кривой Рог, Днепропетровский, Косиора 57/18

Phone: show

Company: СПД Пигольчук И.А.

Activity: Computers, Software

Розумный Андрей Павлович

Ukraine, Киев, Киевская, ул.Шолом-Алейхема 8А, кв.110

Phone: show

Company: Интернет магазин "Выпускные ленты"

Web: http://vipusk.net.ua

Activity: Clothing, footwear, accessories

Кушнарев Александр Кузьмич

Ukraine, Харьков, Харьковская, ул. Гаркуши д. 1 кв. 23

Phone: show

Company: UnityAudio

Activity: Consumer electronics, audio, video, mobile

Леженцев Роман

Ukraine, Николаев, Николаевская, ул.8го марта 69 кв.52

Phone: show

Company: ROMUL16

Activity: Clothing, footwear, accessories

Журавель Виталий

Ukraine, Kharkiv, Kharkivska Oblast, Победы

Phone: show

Company: LED

Activity: Consumer electronics, audio, video, mobile, Furniture, interior

Сидоренко Виктор Борисович

Ukraine, Киев, Киевская, Ивана Пулюя, 5 Б, кв. 89

Phone: show

Company: ФО-П Сидоренко В.Б.

Web: http://photohistory.kiev.ua

Activity: Books, CD, DVD, audio, video

Kalinina Natalia

Ukraine, Киев, Киевская, ул. Тургенева, 18, кв.1

Phone: show

Company: ZEBRA

Activity: Equipments

Бойко Володимир Ярославович

Ukraine, Львів, Львська, пр. Чорновола, 103/13

Phone: show

Company: СПД Бойко В.Я.

Activity: Medicines

More about: Продаж ІОЛ та розхідних матеріалів для хірургії в офтальмологіїї

Стипанец Александр Иванович

Ukraine, Верхнеднепровск, Днепропетровская, Семенова 2

Phone: show

Company: ЧП"А.И.Стипанец"

Web: http://a-i-stipanets.uaprom.net

Activity: Consumer electronics, audio, video, mobile, Household goods

Галбур Алексей

Ukraine, Киев, Киев, ул. Вербицкого 9ж, кв 54

Phone: show

Company: СПД ФО Галбур

Web: http://miykoshel.com.ua

Activity: Clothing, footwear, accessories, Gifts, Toys

Король Роман Миколайович

Ukraine, Славута, Хмельницька, Б.Хмельницького 99

Phone: show

Company: ФОП

Activity: Consumer electronics, audio, video, mobile

More about: Продажа аксессуаров для моб.телефонов

Котов Владимир

Ukraine, Севастополь, Крым, Маринеско 9

Phone: show

Company: ЧП Котов

Web: http://krasunyashop.com

Activity: Household goods

More about: Ткани и фурнитура в ассортименте

Неклюдова Ольга

Ukraine, Одесса, Одесская, пр-т Шевченко 8/4 кв.28

Phone: show

Company: ЧП "Кронос-Сервис"

Activity: Furniture, interior

More about: товары для творчества

Бершадский Олег

Бершадский Олег

Ukraine, Макеевка, Донецкая, к-л Железнодорожный д 12

Phone: show

Company: СВАРОГ

Activity: Food & Beverage

Узнал о программе от знакомого и решил попробовать сам. Продукт ТЦУ очень понравился сначала были сложности но с такой сервисной поддержкой какую дает сервис ANDRIY.CO можно и слона выучить. мне програмка очень даже по душе.

Товмаченко Дмитрий Викторович

Ukraine, Новоукраинка, Кировоградская, Воровского 81/17

Phone: show

Company: ПП.Товмаченко

Activity: Household goods

More about: магазины самообслуживания

Все устраивает!
Какова роль справочных материалов, учебных курсов при освоении ПО - Очень помогают!
Горякин Александр Викторович

Горякин Александр Викторович

Ukraine, Донецк, Донецкая, ул.Культурная д.2

Phone: show

Company: NewCom Network

Web: http://www.newcom.dn.ua

Activity: Stationery, office supplies, Books, CD, DVD, audio, video, Computers, Software, Equipments

More about: Наша компания предлагает сбалансированные корректные цены на монтаж компьютерных сетей с индивидуальным подходом в зависимости от топологии сети, при этом качество реализуемых проектов всегда находится на высоком уровне.

Козаченко Виталий

Ukraine, Львів, Львовская, Любинская 150-34

Phone: show

Company: Укримпорт

Activity: Household goods

The program appears to work well and looks to be able to be configured to specific applications for your company. I have only just downloaded the trial version and still need some time to figure everything and how to tie it in to daily operations and current systems that are used in the Fire & EMS world.

Nolte Bradley

United States, Slocomb, Alabama, 356 S. State Hwy 103

Phone: show

Company: Slocomb Fire & EMS

Web: http://slocombfire.com/Home_Page.php

Activity: Stationery, office supplies, Computers, Software, Medicines, Furniture, interior, Real, Equipments, Household goods

Пользовались стартовой версией около года. Есть маленькие неудобства, но они исправимы. В частности столкнулись с этим при переходе  Эстонии не Евро. В принципе программа достаточно удобна и функциональна. 

Бученков Максим

Estonia, Тапа, Тапа валд, Парги 13

Phone: show


Web: http://www.present.ee

Activity: Gifts, Toys

More about: Интернет магазин подарков в Эстонии www.present.ee

Тацакович Назарій Любомирович

Ukraine, Івано-Франківськ, Івано-Франківська, вул.Стуса43/45

Phone: show

Company: Світ вишивки

Activity: Clothing, footwear, accessories

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