What is this list? Who are these people and why their data published here?

This is not just another social networking site. And not even a draft of the government. This is a list of users of software products ANDRIY.CO. Rather, that part of the users who have supported our project. The aim of this project is to bring together users of our software products in communities of interest. Thanks to them, users can exchange views on our products, provide technical support to each other (and this happens!), To form a collective opinion and influence the development of projects of our company.

All users of this list were allowed to publish their data. As you can see, the list of data is minimal and only in order to help beginners geographically close contact with users, perhaps even familiar hometown, or users of a certain kind of activity.

Among other things, we provide a software ANDRIY.CO users use our site to develop and promote their companies: publish information about themselves, their companies, about the services of the business interests. It is assumed that this information will be made available a large number of potential customers, customers, and partners.

In gratitude for the participation in the community, ANDRIY.CO provides a 20% discount on the purchase of any of our products!

How it works, what it's all about?

Have you noticed that the real opinion of the product is formed only from my own experience working with it? And that advertising husks not give a complete picture of the product, illuminating it with only one, the best part?

If you are just learning products ANDRIY.CO, you may be interested to get the opinion of an independent person. Or even a few individuals. About the product itself, on the company with customers. Subjective, but independent opinions of different users provide objective side of the issue, which will help you to take the final decision. However, do not forget that you can only fully trust your opinion!

How to get on the list and get a discount?

On the edit user profile page fill in the fields, leave feedback and information about their company, give permission to publish these data and you subscribe newsletters. In return you will receive a 20% discount on any of our software!

If you subsequently turn a beginner, you find in this list, please, pay attention to him, share your opinion about our products. You, too, were a rookie. Pass the baton goodness!

Our principles of work with the user community

We are collecting reviews a large number of software users ANDRIY.CO, while we remain totally independent. We are not subject to anyone's influence and only accept constructive suggestions, reserving the right of final decision.

We never delete negative reviews. We never fix reviews. We do not publish reviews that contain obscenities or spam, but we provide an opportunity to correct your review and send it again.

We expect feedback from all users who have real experience of using any of our products. All reviews are provided to us for free.




Салошенко Юрій Юрійович

Ukraine, Берегово, Закарпатська,

Phone: show

Company: Магазин "Тюшка"

Activity: Clothing, footwear, accessories

Гирун Ігор

Ukraine, Рава-Руська, Львівська, Коцюбинського,2

Phone: show

Company: пп"Омега"

Activity: Flowers, seeds, plants

More about: ритуальные услуги

Ромель Андрій Олександрович

Ukraine, Львів, львівська, вул Коперніка 31

Phone: show

Company: пп Нарис

Activity: Household goods

Гурин Виталий Николаевич

Ukraine, Борисполь, Киевская,

Phone: show

Company: ПП "АРЛАМ"

Activity: Food & Beverage

Кузнецов Максим Валерьевич

Кузнецов Максим Валерьевич

Ukraine, Никополь, Днепропетровская, Шевченко 81А

Phone: show

Company: Мережа низьких цін №1

Web: http://www.mnc1.com.ua

Activity: Consumer electronics, audio, video, mobile

Степанов Алексей Юрьевич

Степанов Алексей Юрьевич

Kazakhstan, Усть-Каменогорск, Восточно-казахстансая область, жибек-жолы 1

Phone: show

Company: Аквариумный салон "KRISTALL"

Web: http://KRISTALL-KZ.fo.ru

Activity: Flowers, seeds, plants

More about: Продажа аквариумов, аквариуного и прудового оборудования, рыб, растений и и кормов.

Лукьяненко Евгений

Ukraine, Никополь, Днепропетровская, Шевченко 210/2 кв.33

Phone: show

Company: ЧП Лукьяненко

Activity: Household goods

More about: Магазин электрохозтоваров на Селянском рынке

Beznyuk Ruslan

Ukraine, Дубно, Ровенская,

Phone: show

Company: BAZA***OPT

Activity: Food & Beverage

Тодорів Іван Миколайович

Ukraine, Коломия, Івано-франківська,

Phone: show

Company: Два яйця

Activity: Food & Beverage

Лабунец Тимур Богданович

Ukraine, Одесса, одесская,

Phone: show

Company: timcar

Activity: Automobiles

Репин Степан

Ukraine, Киев, киевская,

Phone: show

Company: ЧП. Корниенко

Activity: Food & Beverage

Мовчан Виталий Петрович

Ukraine, Полтава, Полтавская,

Phone: show

Company: ТОВ Релтон ЛТД

Activity: Automobiles

Дунаев Игорь Викторович

Ukraine, Мелитополь, запорожская об,

Phone: show

Company: Astoriy

Activity: Stationery, office supplies, Cosmetics, Beauty, Clothing, footwear, accessories, Gifts, Toys, Food & Beverage

Сущевская Светлана

Ukraine, Львів, Львовская, Гирныка, 1а, кв. 25

Phone: show

Company: Amalgama

Activity: Cosmetics, Beauty, Clothing, footwear, accessories

Левицкий Евгений Геннадиевич

Ukraine, Подільськ, Одесская,

Phone: show

Company: ЧП

Activity: Food & Beverage

Glugovskiy Yuriy

Ukraine, Харків, Харків,

Phone: show

Company: ТОВ "Нонакорд Бау"

Activity: Computers, Software, Equipments

More about: Розробник контролерів і систем автоматизації для технологічних процесів, теплохолодопостачання, вентиляції.

Гловацький Сергій Леонідович

Ukraine, Луцьк, Волинська,

Phone: show

Company: Приватний підприємець

Activity: Stationery, office supplies, Food & Beverage, Household goods

Мустафаев Рагим Тофиг

Azerbaijan, Баку, Бинагады,

Phone: show

Company: AzRoshen

Activity: Food & Beverage

Мельник Сергій Миколайович

Ukraine, Здолбунів, Рівненська область,

Phone: show

Company: ПП

Activity: Food & Beverage

Grigoryants Zaven

Uzbekistan, Ташкент, Ташкент,

Phone: show

Company: МТМ

Activity: Food & Beverage, Supermarkets, Household goods

Добрый день Андрей. Давно пользуюсь Вашей программой. Устанавливали лет 15 назад программу Мегакот. Компашкой приезжали к Вам домой для установки. Тогда торговал очками. Win 10 и Win ХP плохо уживаются на одной машине - поэтому решил перейти на TCU 3. Программный продукт очень улучшился за это время. Много интересных возможностей. Интерфейс - наглядный и понятный. Спасибо за Ваш продукт. Творческих успехов.

Kazimirov Viktor Ivanovich

Ukraine, Одесса, Одесса,

Phone: show

Company: Ч/П

Activity: Clothing, footwear, accessories

Кулаков Константин Юрьевич

Ukraine, Черноморск, Одесская,

Phone: show

Company: Foxik

Web: http://foxik.com.ua

Activity: Clothing, footwear, accessories

Филинкова Мария

Ukraine, Луганск, Луганская, пл.Героев ВОВ 4/15

Phone: show

Company: СПД Филинков П.М.

Activity: Equipments, Household goods

Пазынюк Александр Леонидович

Ukraine, Каменец-Подольский, Хмельницкая,

Phone: show

Company: УкрОпт

Activity: Food & Beverage

Нестер Сергей

Ukraine, Северодонецк, Луганская, Лисичанская 5в/30

Phone: show

Company: Нестер С.С.

Activity: Food & Beverage, Household goods

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