Not afraid of the word "revolutionary" change in Shopdesk - the opportunity to work with the backup database. Now he can operate autonomously, without requiring a permanent connection to the database. this solution increases the "survival" of the system as a whole. Using it, even in local networks where you are sure of the compounds of jobs to the server, you still provides more reliable operation of your frontofisnyh systems, eliminating the influence of communication problems and even failure of the servers on the performance of jobs of cashiers. Introduced three modes:
- Mode with the main database (ONLINE mode). In this mode Shopdesk works exclusively with the main database (requires a direct connection to the main database). If there is no connection to the main database or, if his recovery after breaking Shopdesk discontinued. This mode of operation is completely similar to the regime of Shopdesk to version 4.0
- Mode with a backup database (OFFLINE mode). In this mode Shopdesk works exclusively with a backup database (backup database must be pre-created one of the methods described below). If there is no backup of the database Shopdesk offers switch mode with the main database.
- Automatic mode (Automatic mode). When you start Shopdesk has attempted to connect to the main database. If you can Shopdesk continues to work with the main database for the entire session (ONLINE mode), before the possible termination to connect to the main database. Failing to connect to the main database, Shopdesk passes to connect to the standby database (OFFLINE mode). In the same mode Shopdesk passes in the case of breaking the connection to the main database. In the case of the operation to a backup database, this regime persists until the end of your session Shopdesk.
Detailed article on innovations, particularly on the work in each mode
Trial operation Shopdesk now limited not limit sales, and a term probationary period - 60 days. During this period, the functionality of the cashier's workplace is not limited.
Hot keys for access to all parts of the program.
Fixed: When you press the button of keyboard, which is enshrined barcode of any product, if it hold Alt, do not search the name of the search product and its price (there is no event "After update" from the table). Fixed.
Important changes - now ShopDesk fully supports user authentication basic accounting system.
Necessary law, custom administrator to back-office part of the accounting system, define the powers of cashiers in the field.
Such an approach is possible to hold office in the zone of responsibility of the cashier to open it at the beginning of the change and
not allowing the other cashier to work with it before the closing date of the change.
Distribution is included in the test database. It also allows to solve the problem of pairing ShopDesk to databases and records
systems, as distinct from TCU-3. Now ShopDesk can work without TCU - while maintaining close integration with the native system
the opportunity to work with other accounting systems. More detail on the proposed technology can be found
Help from the distribution or online help.
Information for users who are updating to the current version of ShopDesk: Make sure that the main accounting system, the cashier
open right to the following:
- creation and approval of the expenditure invoice
- creation and adoption of the cash receipts orders
- revaluation product
- shipment in less