Pricing. Cost. Formation of the retail price.

Author:   Kravchenko Andriy,

When large amounts of product (10 thousand positions or more) the question of control of pricing is not just relevant. You must delete the errors associated with the human factor. It is necessary to exclude errors caused by factors constant price fluctuations, or rather their continued growth. Consider how these problems have been solved in TCU2 what algorithms are involved, as TCU2 working with the prices. To explain this example.

1. In the main form of our Select product. Let it be a Water Master Fruit 2l

We see that now there are 71 bottle of 2grn. 40 kop. apiece. Click on the «+» for more information

In this example we can observe the very creeping inflation, which so persistently frighten people. As we can see - it was not terrible, grow a tsiferki, all business ... Please note, from batch to batch increases the purchase price. TCU tracks the purchase price, the retail price just increased. Investigate how it works.
To do this, take a new batch of our product «Water Master Fruit 2l» on income bill. In the tab «Enter new» choose «receipt bill»

enter the supplier invoice number and date in the sidebar. Choose a product «Water Master Fruit 2l» and add it to the invoice. Now in the purchase price. You can enter a purchase price, and if you press the button next to the price, it will be available the history of purchase prices of the previous purchases. Last time, 21.06.2007, we bought a product on 1grn. 85 kop. At this time, the purchase will be held on 1 UAH. 95 kop. (which in itself is not happy, but did not do in the name of science). Retail price is framed on the basis of the current retail price in our shop. Profit at this would be approximately 23%. A lot of it or not? I do not know, I have not owned a grocery store. We know we have only one, the last time profits were higher. Even the purchase price by 10 cents, raising, and retail on the same figure. If the retail price to reveal the history, we can see how changing the retail price.

Enter the new retail price 2 hrn. 50 kop.

28% of the tail - is already something. We will our bill. This TCU give the message that the «Water Master Fruit 2l» now be overestimated with 2grn.40 cop. to 2grn. 50 kop., That is, until the price that we put in our new supply. Let's look at
registry entry of goods «Water Master Fruit 2l» main form.

We can see that now the amount of water master Fruit 2l increased to 251 bottles, and this number is made up of several shipments, which at the moment there are 5, 66 and 180 bottles of that amount and form 251. Retail price for our water - 2grn. 50kop. And at that price the goods will be sold and, no matter from which deliveries. Let's look at a paper revaluation, which changed the retail price for the product «Water Master Fruit 2l». To do this, go to the tab «View Documents» and select «Acts-revaluation revaluation».

The list of documents we see the act in the revaluation 7grn. 10 kop. Open it.

In the act of revaluation overestimated 71 bottle Water Master Fruit 2l with 2grn. 40 kop. to 2grn. 50kop. 71 a bottle - this is a product that was present in the warehouse at the time of joining the new party. Prices rose by 10 kopecks. apiece, hence the sum of an act of revaluation reserves 7 grn. 10 kop. On the content tab, click on the «Card movement».

What we have seen by clicking «+» in the register of goods, in this form, we see much more. Supplies (buying party), provided a blue run - the current number was zero. Supplies, painted in green color - some of whom have already made the sale, but have not yet been exhausted (the current number greater than zero). Deliveries, which have not been shipped (the current number of well received) are colored in black. When shipping goods spending bill should not worry about the choice of delivery. The program will automatically perform the desired operation and record the cost of procurement of parties in a special internal magazine. Turning now to the tab «The movement of goods».

We are interested in the last three records. The latest entry in the cart motion speaks for the supply, which has been discussed in the example. Much more interesting to the two previous records, they talk about revaluation of the available quantity in stock (71 bottle) with a price 2grn. 40 kop. to 2grn. 50 kop. (interest expense on the old price, the arrival of the new price). Revaluation has always reflected a pair of records: interest expense on the old price and the arrival of a new one.
What are the advantages of such a model of pricing?

1. Even at the time of arrival of goods, we do a review of retail price and, if necessary, adjusted. The percentage of profit is controlled at the time of arrival.
2. No double price when the goods from the old supply has a retail price of new goods and other supplies. Strictly followed the principle: one product - a retail price.
3. Tracking the history of purchase prices in the income note you can always see the purchase price, which turned out to be prohibitively high, drop down from the general background to a greater or lesser side. As a rule - this is an error (such as paper invoice from the supplier incorrectly listed price).

theme of the next article - with retail prices in the sale of goods. We show how to re not likely, but only the amount spent. Such a revaluation is also performed automatically, if the price in the expenditure invoice does not match the price in the register of goods.

See also:

Using list prices (the discount-margin) in the cart of goods in TCU 3
Issue Reporting using «Masters Report TCU 3»

Note: This article was obtained through a machine translation. We would appreciate any comments.
