Customizing tables



 In the context menu, if it was caused from a table or list, found the item "Customize Columns ". The figure below is due to the context menu items in the registry.




 As a submenu appears a list of fields (columns) of the table. The fields (columns) that appear checked. Remove or install check box by clicking on the name of the corresponding field in this menu.

 The second way to remove the "extra" columns - place the mouse cursor to the right of the column you want to hide, on the border between it and the next column. The mouse cursor should adopt a two-headed horizontal arrows. After that, press the left mouse button and move to the left until the column width will not be zero. For example - hide the column "Price retail cu"




 Except that the columns can hide and show, you can also change their sequence in the table. To do this, grab the column header by clicking the left mouse button and move it to the right place, which is marked with red pointers. On the example shows how to swap the columns "Quantity"and "Retail price".

